Friday, July 8, 2016

"Pushing My Buttons" - Breaking Away

Pushing My Buttons

"Breaking Away" has been one of my favorite movies since middle school. It's very real and believable. I had a crush on Jackie Earle Haley for years after seeing him portray "Moocher". Apparently he reprised the role on the tv series version of the movie which I've never seen.

I'm selling this button on eBay for the time being. If you are interested in it, send me a message. Hopefully soon we're going to be adding my buttons to our online store called Kick Bright Zine Shop.

I've been making buttons since 2002 and have been collecting a little before that. I just wanted to display my favorite bands and movies without having to wear a print shirt. I definitely don't have anything against those, I just have so few that fit me well. I've never been a big basic t-shirt fan.

This blog will be about my making, collecting and selling of buttons.

I already have another blog here called "Netflix Retrieving Screen". Check it out! 

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